The Reset : A 101 Guide Of Bouncing Back After A Failed Summer Romance


" I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. I can't accept not trying."

- Michael Jordan

Through dating apps or just simply an ordinary day, there are many different avenues you took to find that romantic partner spontaneously or with intention.  There are circumstances that can make this process chaotic, oblivion as a first time dating or just change in your dating lifestyle amidst the pandemic. As hopeless romantic, we ask ourselves, “Am I holding the right conversation, why am I stuck after a two month talking stage?”

These are excellent questions to ask yourself, these are also questions that have made you feel self doubts at the dating game. Doubt does not mean failure. Margielyn Didal, Filipina skateboarder and Olympian said it best, Don’t be afraid to fall or fail” You are the player, your feelings are your teammate. That is why accepting the  outcome is leading you towards the goal. The ball  is in the hands of many teammates 

( dates, blind dates, swipes, ghosting, being stood up etc.) before it is shot into the goal, at its tip and when it's made. When the ball gets to you, you attempt to throw it in the goal!! If anything, accept failure and acknowledge trying.

Take a break on the bench and sit courtside until you can get back in the game. While doing that, run the play in your head by reminding yourself not to make excuses or assumptions why it does not happen as planned. Take this time to realize which aspect  of yourself needs more reexamining.

Maybe changing the plan to create room for efficient players are a few reasons as to why reexamining the game can allow more victories. Dating itself is hard especially with dating nowadays being more casual and twice as being woman citing the physical and emotional risk compared to men. Knowing these statistics of why the game is different compared to before will open your eyes to an outcome of how today's game is being played compared to ten years ago.  

"You have to make your own luck. You make it in practice and with training and conditioning”, says Simon Biles, US Olympic Gymnast.

Get back in the game, once you are at full speed and  eager to make your comeback. Through learning and increasing your vibrations, overall you have already claimed that victory!! If it does not happen now, there are more seasons to come! “One more step, I can do this. I have more in me.”- Kelly Walsh, American volleyball player and Olympic medalist.   Having this attitude will open so many doors in your romantic life, just always know perseverance is key! Go for it!


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