Using Dating Apps As A First Time Dater

 In a post back, I mentioned at 21, I'm ready to date. This is just an update of how its going so far.

I just have to tell it unattached. Due to COVID,  I am actually going through apps.

So far I tried five. This is in no particular order.

NOTE: Its all basically the talking stage, dating is more official. This is just getting to know. Its not dating until, both you and that person have agreed!

Blendr- I do not reccomend it, its poorly designed. The layout is messy and unorganized. There was one guy I found on Bumble, I eventually unmatched with him. Then, he popped up again on Blendr!! We had matched as well on there .AKWARD.

The guys seemed to move fast, one was just super impatient.  

I asked a question about his intersts, he came off sassy. 

It is still good to know and learn despite the differences. It does not always have to be similarity.  

Tinder- . I matched with 5 out of the 99 potenials. I messaged each of them "hi, how are you" 3 of them did not reply. Two did. One wanted to link up. I just deleted my whole account after that. Its basically for hookups, don't reccomend.

Reading bios is quite tricky!!

Yes, its best to message through any app prior to giving your number.

Facebook Dating -  Why does it even exist? I matched with one, he was really nice to chat with,I found myself leading the conversation, he seemed shy. He was super nice, I just didn't find him physically attractive.  

The app itself would have been suited for the 90s, its basic and simple. The lack of features and colors creates a dull look.

The design of a dating app plays a major role. Believe it or not!!

Coffee Meets Bagel- Most men on this app are looking for marriage and settling down. Its great for looking for seriousness and starting a family. 

It really wasn't for me, I am still new and haven't reach the level in dating for marriage. 

Bumble (Date):  Bumble is the best so far, males are descriptive in their profile bios….. at first. Easy to use and great features!!

I started getting nervous, he didn't have a bio. Not having a bio did not help at all!!! 😭.

I just basically talked about myself,throughout the conversation,  his replies d dull.  

I took alot of time to reflect on how I conduct conversations, what could have went better. 

These are my experiences. Experiences varies by a person to person basis.  When it comes to datingapops, factors such as interactions, conversations, your personality comes in affect. 

I am interested in wanting to know what's your review  or experiences. Feedback and remarks are greatly appreciated Leave a comment. 😊


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