
Showing posts from February, 2024

Beyond Self-Love & Singleness: Navigating the Complexities of Personal Fulfillment

  Happy Valentine's Day to all singles and those struggling with anything. We sensitive people feel more, love harder, and hurt more frequently than the average person. As I age, life gets harder, but despite loneliness and complex situations, I can say 'not all the time am I well.' Prioritize your needs in all aspects of life. If you have children, create space for them to develop fully. Young adults struggle due to what they were denied access to. Don't let your fears and trauma as a parent confuse your future adult children. It's complex and emotional.  I know 1st gen parents are exactly like that and my dad was, over the past 5 years,I have gained so much knowledge and understanding of this causes and effects that shaped "why I am." All these emotions of if someone will find me is totalling my brain at the end of the night. Its like how can I do it, when these experiences were told "no ".     - These are my unsaid feelings.